A YOUNG LASS's SOLILOQUY An' so it seems it is reported, That I hae ne'er been woo'd nor courted, But de'il speed lies; The bonny lads came flocking round me, Enough in conscience to confound me, Like hives of bees. But I was cald as winter snaw, An' nae return would ever shaw For a' their favours; An' now ye see ye hae been wrang, Nae mair o' me ye'll make a sang, But had ye'r clavers. Yet out o' spite I'll tell the rest, An' which o' them I liked best, Wha was sae clever, To melt this icy breast o' mine, To take my heart without design, An' keep it ever. It was a lad wi' yellow hair, Wi' rosy cheeks, an' forehead fair, An' light blue een; The like o' him on hill or dale, In borough's town, or country vale, Was never seen. O vow but he was proud an' saucy, An' better loo'd anither lassy, Wha had some siller; But I hae five an five good nails, An', ere my strength or courage fails, I'll wi' them till her.