To GRAMMATICUS. MIRA wou'd with Tears atone For all the Mischief she has done; Sincerely mourns (believe it true) The sending of her Rhymes to you. The Wound my Verses gave your Ear, Was undesign'd it will appear; Nor in the least the Fault of me, As by this Sorrow you may see. And cou'd I in our Meadows find, Among the vegetable Kind, A healing Simple, that wou'd cure Those smarting Pangs which you endure: Whose Juice the Matrons well esteem For Cuts and Bruises that are green, I'd send it with an Heart most willing, Tho' it shou'd cost me half a Shilling: Yet I can serve you but in Will, For I've consulted Doctor Pill, Who tells me that a Case like yours Will not admit of common Cures; For that Incisions made by Rhymes Are worse than Ulcers fifty times: He gives a Reason that is clear, Because they always strike the Ear, And give un-utterable Pain To the small Fibres of the Brain: Yet as the Doctor is my Friend, His Worship order'd me to send This grand Receipt which he has known, To serve in Cases like your own: Tis true, the Drug is something rare, And yet I wou'd not quite despair; But hope the Med'cine may be found Within the Space of British Ground: This Balsam then I'd have you seek, No matter for its Name in Greek; But sure 'tis call'd (or I am wrong) Good-nature in the English Tongue: The Doctor swears by all his Skill, If this don't ease you, nothing will; To either Ear be this apply'd, (The better if 'tis quickly try'd) Then fill the hollow Spaces full With Aqua-vitoe drop'd on Wool: And take a special Care be sure, No Poets come about your Door: For you might keep the Bench of Law, Or hear the squeaking of a Saw, More safely by a hundred times, Than half a Page of modern Rhymes: But when you gather Strength a little, Can walk abroad and eat your Vittle? As you are mighty fond of Verse, Let some with gentle Voice rehearse: How Corn grows now where Troy Town stood, Or else the Children in the Wood: These gentle Numbers will compose Your Spirits and your Eye-lids close! Those Slumbers will complete the Cure; Now, Sir, your Servant, and — no more.