Doubts and Fears SUPPRES'D. PSALM III. I. LOOK, Gracious God, how numerous they Whose envious Power and Rage Conspiring my Eternal Death Against my Soul engage. II. The lying Tempter would perswade There's no Relief in Heaven; And all my swelling Sins appear Too big to be forgiven. III. But God my Glory and my Strength Shall tread the Tempter down, And drown my Sins beneath the Blood Of his Dear Dying Son. IV. I cry'd, and from his Sacred Hill He bow'd a list'ning Ear; I call'd my Father and my God, And he dispers'd my Fear. V. He threw soft Slumbers on mine Eyes In sight of all my Foes, I 'woke, and wondred at the Grace That guarded my Repose. VI. What, tho' the Hosts of Death and Hell All arm'd against me stood, Terrors no more shall shake my Soul, Nor Tremblings chill my Blood. VII. Lord, I adore thy Wondrous Love, And thy Salvation sing: My God hath broke the Serpents Teeth, And Death has lost his Sting. VIII. Salvation to the Lord belongs, The Lord alone can save; Blessings attend thy People here, And reach beyond the Grave.