[Page 69]


1 IF ever thou didst joy to bind
2 Two hearts in equal passion join'd,
[Page 70]
3 O son of VENUS! hear me now,
4 And bid FLORELLA bless my vow.
5 If any bliss reserv'd for me
6 Thou in the leaves of fate should'st see;
7 If any white propitious hour,
8 Pregnant with hoarded joys in store;
9 Now, now the mighty treasure give,
10 In her for whom alone I live:
11 In sterling love pay all the sum,
12 And I'll absolve the fates to come.
13 In all the pride of full-blown charms
14 Yield her, relenting, to my arms:
15 Her bosom touch with soft desires,
16 And let her feel what she inspires.
[Page 71]
17 But, CUPID, if thine aid be vain
18 The dear reluctant maid to gain;
19 If still with cold averted eyes
20 She dash my hopes, and scorn my sighs;
21 O! grant ('tis all I ask of thee)
22 That I no more may change than she;
23 But still with duteous zeal love on,
24 When every gleam of hope is gone.
25 Leave me then alone to languish;
26 Think not time can heal my anguish;
27 Pity the woes which I endure;
28 But never, never grant a cure.


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About this text

Title (in Source Edition): SONG II.
Genres: song

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Source edition

Barbauld, Mrs. (Anna Letitia), 1743-1825. Poems. London: printed for Joseph Johnson, 1773, pp. 69-71. vi,138p. ; 4⁰. (ESTC T236; OTA K019955.000) (Page images digitized by New York Public Library.)

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