[Page 35]


1 ENslav'd to Sense, to Pleasure prone,
2 Fond of Created Good;
3 Father, our Helplesness we own,
4 And trembling taste our Food.
5 Trembling we taste: for ah! no more
6 To Thee the Creatures lead;
7 Chang'd they exert a Fatal Pow'r,
8 And poison while they feed.
9 Curst for the Sake of wretched Man,
10 They now engross him whole,
11 With pleasing Force on Earth detain,
12 And sensualize his Soul.
13 Grov'ling on Earth we still must lie
14 Till CHRIST the Curse repeal;
15 Till CHRIST descending from on high
16 Infected Nature heal.
17 Come then, our Heav'nly Adam, come!
18 Thy healing Influence give;
19 Hallow our Food, reverse our Doom,
20 And bid us eat and live.
[Page 36]
21 The Bondage of Corruption break!
22 For this our Spirits groan;
23 Thy only Will we fain would seek;
24 O save us from our own.
25 Turn the full Stream of Nature's Tide:
26 Let all our Actions tend
27 To Thee their Source; thy Love the Guide,
28 Thy Glory be the End.
29 Earth then a Scale to Heav'n shall be,
30 Sense shall point out the Road;
31 The Creatures then shall lead to Thee,
32 And all we taste be GOD!


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(Page images digitized from a copy in the Bodleian Library [Vet. A4 f. 254].)



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About this text

Title (in Source Edition): Another.
Genres: hymn

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Source edition

Wesley, John, 1703-1791. Wesley, Charles, 1707-1788. Hymns and sacred poems: Published by John Wesley, ... and Charles Wesley, ... London: printed by William Strahan; and sold by James Hutton; and at Mr. Bray's, 1739, pp. 35-36. x,[6],223,[1]p.; 12⁰. (ESTC T31323; OTA K034809.000) (Page images digitized from a copy in the Bodleian Library [Vet. A4 f. 254].)

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The text has been typographically modernized, but without any silent modernization of spelling, capitalization, or punctuation. The source of the text is given and all editorial interventions have been recorded in textual notes. Based on the electronic text originally produced by the TCP project, this ECPA text has been edited to conform to the recommendations found in Level 5 of the Best Practices for TEI in Libraries version 4.0.0.

Other works by Rev. Charles Wesley